
Common Issues

Solutions to commonly encountered issues

"We are very pleased to see Paramount Defenses, a valued Microsoft partner, offer an innovative security solution (in Gold Finger) that helps enhance security and compliance in Active Directory environments."

Charles Coates, Senior Product Manager      
Identity and Security Business Group

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Gold Finger Common Issues

  1. How do I install my Gold Finger license?

    To install your Gold Finger license, please follow these steps in the order specified -

    1. Launch Gold Finger, then click your mouse anywhere in Gold Finger, and then press Alt-I (as in I for Installation.)
    2. Next, close Gold Finger, and then drop (paste) your GFLic.dll license file in the opened installation folder.
    3. Finally, simply launch (restart) Gold Finger again and your license should be installed and ready for use.

  2. How do I generate a report in Gold Finger? I cannot seem to find the Run button.

    The Run button, also known as the Gold Finger button, is the big white button with the golden hand/finger made on it. It is to the right of the Reports pane. To generate a report, you must first select a report and then click the Gold Finger button.

  3. How do I specify the scope for a report? I cannot seem to locate the Scope field.

    The Scope field is at the bottom right-hand side of the Reports pane. When you first start Gold Finger, to make it visible, you must first select a report by clicking on a(ny) report in the Reports pane.

  4. How do I access the inbuilt search utility? I cannot seem to find it.

    To access and launch the inbuilt search utility, click the Search button, which is to the immediate right of the Scope field.

  5. How do I export the results of a report to a CSV file?

    To export the results of a report to a file, first generate the report, and then click the CSV button, which is located at the bottom right hand corner of the Gold Finger application.

  6. How do I target a specific domain controller?

    To target a specific domain controller (DC), select Basic Options from the Options menu in the Gold Finger application menu, then check the Target a Specific DC check-box, and enter the NetBIOS name of your domain controller in the provided text-box.

    For instance, if your DC's DNS name is dc1.root.local, enter dc1. You only need to enter the NetBIOS name, not the full DNS name.

Our Global Customers

  • Australian Government
  • United States Treasury
  • British Government
  • Government of Canada
  • British Petroleum
  • Ernst and Young
  • Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
  • Juniper Networks
  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • United Nations
  • Quantium
  • Nestle
  • IBM Corporation
  • U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
  • Columbia University

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